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Vaccination Brisbane

A Vaccination in Brisbane Protects Your Child Against Serious Illness

There has been some confusion surrounding vaccination in Brisbane and elsewhere in recent years. However, there’s no question that vaccines are an extremely important part of ensuring that your child is as healthy as possible. Vaccines protect your child, as well as the public, from the spread of dangerous and contagious diseases including measles, mumps, polio, whooping cough, chicken pox, meningitis, influenza, diphtheria and HPV. At Clayfield Medical Centre, we offer childhood vaccinations as part of a full spectrum of healthcare for children.

Common Mistakes People Make Regarding Children’s Vaccinations in Clayfield

To ensure immunity, vaccines should be given on a certain schedule and at specific times. It’s essential to follow your doctor’s recommendations and avoid missing any doses. Here are a few common vaccine-related mistakes to avoid to ensure the best possible outcome for your child.

  • Choosing not to vaccinate – the worst mistake a parent can make regarding childhood vaccines is not getting them at all. If you are concerned about vaccinating, speak with your child’s doctor about the risks and benefits. You’ll learn that the benefits far outweigh any potential risks.
  • Missing doses – some vaccines require multiple doses spaced a certain amount of time apart to ensure complete immunity. It’s important to take note of the vaccine schedule your child’s doctor recommends and follow it closely.
  • Not keeping up with vaccination records – throughout your child’s life, you’ll need to produce vaccination records for various reasons. Keep track of the vaccination record you receive, bringing it with you to each visit to have it updated.

Childhood vaccinations are one of the most important things you can do as a parent – they will help your child avoid a number of life-threatening conditions.

Problems Children’s Healthcare in Clayfield Addresses

Children tend to be quite active and accident-prone; they also have immature immune systems, leaving them more likely than most adults to sustain certain injuries and illnesses. Regular healthcare is imperative to their good health. Here are a few problems you can solve with regular visits to Clayfield medical Centre.

  • More frequent illness and injury – children are known for bouncing back quickly from colds, bruises and other minor ailments. However, untreated injuries and illnesses can lead to serious problems.
  • Missed symptoms – a child’s medical needs change as they grow. Regular monitoring is important to discover any potential problems early.
  • Mental health – physical health isn’t the only reason to see a doctor. A child’s mental health is one of the things physicians assess when they see young patients, catching problems such as depression or anxiety in their early stages.

Why Trust Clayfield Medical Centre as Your Kids’ Doctor in Clayfield

At Clayfield Medical Centre, we offer a full range of medical care including general health, women’s health, children’s health, natural health, minor surgeries and more. We take pride in delivering exceptional holistic healthcare to patients of all ages. We provide personal, patient-centred care for infants, seniors and everyone in between. If you are expecting or looking for a new doctor for your child, we can help. Contact us to schedule an appointment.